Below are the experiments me and Beccy did for how we vision our girls to look for our music video. As I enjoy creating appearances for characters I decided I would quickly put some looks together which both me and Beccy thought would be appropriate for our video. We have talked about how we do not want to over sexulise the girls in our music video which has the theme of pin up, to do this I decided to dress us in costumes that were not too revealing but yet also looked: fashionable, youthful and 'cool.' I will continue to experiment with more looks until I am happy with the apperances for each character.

Above is me dressed how me and Beccy see our lending lady portrayed. I was inspired by the world war 2 poster which has the iconic pin up girl Rosie. I believe creating a modern Rosie for our music video is entropic and fits with the theme of 'GIRL POWER' as the singer will look pretty but also powerful and strong.

Above is the beautyful Beccy portraying the sailor pin up girl. I am happy with the make up and hat but not too keen on the outfit, I think that the sailor girl need the sterotypical, elaborate costume. I want to make her look sexy as the point of her is to lure the male audience. I love the cheeky pose Beccy has given, this is how I want our sailor to act: flirty but also knowing she is in control.

This I would say portrays the gothic/ seductive pin up girl. The pose does reflect the character but the apperance does: with long curly hair, black eye make up and red rose in my hair this look could be enhanced slighty to create a seductive pin up girl. Castinbg for this role is critical as it can not be forced as it will not come across genuine and the apperance as well must be perfect. I have a friend who is perfect for this role and I am sure she will be willing to play this pin up girl.

This is the final experiement photograph. It is an alternative look for our lending lady. I am not as pleased with this look than the top one, as I believe it is not as strong. By dreesing me in a white shirt creates an angelic look which thaen does not give the empression of the strong/ powerful Rosie character we want our singer to reflect. The pose and facial expression is also not as strong as the cheeky wink in the top photograph, as once again it seems to playful and innocent than the: seductive, in control Rosie pin up girl.
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