Comments on suitability for stated target audience
Our demographic audience is: white females aged 14-17. We also believe there is a secondary audience of males, aged 15-20 due to the male gaze. Many people believe that our demographic audience is clear, good and suitable to our concept. Some believe that as it is a pop song it will appeal to a wider audience, as it seems as though the image we are creating is mainstream which I agree with but as we have to aim our video at a certain audience we seem this is best suited. A good comment that we received which highlights this is; "understands audience fairly well but might find a niche due to style and nature of mainstream." Others argued that our target audience was not clear as we mentioned we believe there are two: females and males. What we mean by having a secondary audience of males aged 15-20 years old is we believe that they will also enjoy the video but solely for the fact that the video is going to include only females who are slightly going to sexualised for the male gaze.
The mood board we created to visually show the class our demographic audience which included: alcohol and the night club Tramps. Several people picked up on this saying this unrealistic and unsuitable to our audience but we argue it is not. Tramps hold nights for under 18's and we believe our song would play at this venue. I know many under 18's who drink and we specifically choose to present the drink drink Smirnoff,as we believe this is what C2/ D girls drink due to most of them being slightly 'chavy.'
A positive opinion someone gave was; "I like their research into the audience, the fact they incorporated the fashion trend idea is good. they got the audience spot on!" As we mentioned in our pitch our target audience will be: mainstreamers, aspires and materialists we thought that our music video could be influential so incorporating fashion into it will help create a image for the lead singer. Finally people also mentioned that the song correspond well with our target yet the music video idea does not which makes it very entropic; which brings me onto my next point.
Comments on originality of the idea
Me and Beccy want to produce a high standard music which incorporates both of our artistic and creative skills. When conducting synaesthesia we envisioned the 1940's pin-up girl concept which will have a balance of both entropy and redundancy which I thoroughly explored in my research. Overall nearly every comment we received was positive saying that our idea was new and exciting which I am extremely happy about but now I hope we can meet these high expectations.
Only one person stated that our concept is redundant but yet they did not state why and how we could make it more original and entropic but they did like our theme of 'Girl power.' What several people commented on was the fact that our song genre does not necessary fit our concept for our music video, some people liked this, others did not. I believe that the song does gel well with the idea; as it is sang by a woman, we want it to include a female and the title Hey Boy amplifies it, as it seems flirty and fun with a 'Girl power' theme. People liked our song choice as it if different to everyone else in the class, they said it was a: typical, cheesy pop song, "From listening to the song, although I think it is a bit cheesy, it will make an original video if you plan it out right."
The class particularly like the vintage and retro idea as it is unique and individual by using this era instead of modern and contemporary which is entropic and interesting for the song choice and video concept which someone quotes "You have a good/ clear view on entrophy and redundancy." Many people said our concept is new and original and love the fact we are going to interpret the male gaze differently by not over sexualising the females in the music video which is unusual for a stereotypical music video, as many contain half naked women such as: Gold Digger. We instead want to create the impression you can look but can't touch!
Some people thought the pin-up idea is quite original and entropic but someone did mention that this concept has been used before in Christina Aguilera's Candy man music video which we did mention. The Candy man video is rather redundant in relation to the song, as is illustrating the 1940's era which is similar to the song because it sounds like this song which would of played in those days. We agree that it sounds familiar and we do hope to create the same message that this video does; look but can't touch. In this video Christina is not overly sexualised but yet her confidence and playful oozes sex appeal, as she is very flirtation in this video but not over the top which could be seen as objectifying her.
Overall people said our video idea was: new, exciting, original, entropic and not what you would expect from a music video which is good as I did not to stick with stereotypical music video's as they are: boring, predictable and un-inspiring.
Thoughts on the logistical arrangements
This this was probably the weakest part of our pitch as I believe we were not clear on many things such as: location, transport and cast so many people had a lot of opinions. I mentioned that there is a photographers studio where I work which I have previously used for photography but we are not guaranteed that we will be able to use this, so at the moment we are search the Internet for local studio's which are for hire. People liked the fact are using a simple location and like us; they agreed that this would makes the production easier and achievable by sticking to one location. Simplicity is the word I would some sum up our music video yet it is effective. We will have a low budget to create a high standard music video but this will also be reflected in the video by having simplistic scene settings.
The mise en scene will be key to this video, as it is the overall look which could either make this video really effective or look extremely armature. To avoid this me and Beccy will have to practise with different lighting to create the desired atmosphere for each character. This I believe is achievable as we have access to high quality lighting and if we able to use a studio there will also be lighting equipment available for us to experiment with and use. I have worked with the lights before when producing my A2 Noir film which I practised with different filters to create different lighting, this knowledge will come in handy for our music video but I have to remember It is not going to be edited black and white so the lighting may be different.
Someone mentioned that it seems we have to much cinematography and this could cause difficulty for us. I do agree with this but I hope me and Beccy will work together and evenly spread the work between us so that we can create affective set ups and elaborate costumes. We will use appropriate props and costumes to create a different pin-up character which you will be able to identify by the whole mise en scene in the frame. I believe this is going to be difficult to achieve which someone else also mentioned, finding and gathering props maybe a slight problem. I have several retro belonging such as: suitcase and phone but other things we may need we will have to find. Transporting the props should not be too difficult if we are able to use the studio where I work as we could easily carry them there as I live 2 minutes away. If we do not use this studio I am sure either mine or Beccy's parents or friends will provide transport to get all the: props. costumes, equipment and cast to the location. We have several girls who are willing to be in our music video, we want 8-10 girls to feature in it. We will not film every girl either at the same time or day as they are all individual characters who do not interact with each other in the same frames so organising to get the girls does not seem too problematic just we need reliable and committed girls.
We explained the health and safety well and people said that it was clear. We talked about possible health and safety issues which could occur when in the production stage such as: cast twisting ankles in high heels, lifting heavy props and wires. Once we established possible safety issues we thought how we could avoid accidents from happening. When it comes to the production stage if we notice any more possible health and safety issues then we will come up with a solution how avoid accidents and inform one another as well as the cast so that the safety of everyone involved is being looked after.
Comments on the technical aspects of the idea- does it sound achievable with the college equipment?
I am confident using the college camera's as I have used them several times for both experimenting in AS and for my A2 film. I also do photography so this will help when thinking about what angle to use and how the composition will fit in the frame to create certain feelings. I fairly ok using Adobe Premiere Pro editing software but this is something I have to improve on.
I can do the basic editing but I will have to: 'mess around,' experiment and explore to see what this software is capable of doing. One thing we want to do is add: text, animation and maybe speech bubbles like in the Oh no video which we showed to the class. I am able to add text to shots but this basic I want cartoon style, me and Beccy will have to experiment with the software to create our desired look. Many people liked the idea of adding text to some of the shots this will be illustrative to the song and could make the video entropic and effective.
All this is achievable as we have access to tripods so the shots will be still but them we can edit them to either zoom in or out etc... as not pop video has shots which are completely stationary. We have access to the newest version of Premiere Pro so this will help us so much; as it is the editing which will make this video really fun and effective. It is a simplistic video with a low budget so we to focus on how we can make this video more professional looking, we talked about using various editing technique's such as: wipe edit and split screens this will add fun to the video but we know this editing is going to be very time consuming.
Overall, does the idea sound exciting and achievable?
At first when me and Beccy were creating a concept for our song we were not clear what we want our video to look like apart from the fact that it should emphasis 'Girl power.' After synaesthesia several times I came up with the concept of 1940's pin- up girls as the theme, I wanted to make the production to simplistic and focus on the mise en scene and editing. I believe me and Beccy can make a high standard music video as we work well together and combine ideas and communicate well with one another.
The overall feedback we gained were all very similar; people said that the idea is: entropic, original, interesting and achievable. They particularly like the test shoots we did of me and Beccy dressed in similar costumes we see our cast wearing; by doing this practise photographs it helped the class envision what we want to achieve and they seem positive maybe because they clearly show our idea of not over sexualising the cast but yet give the feeling you can look but can't touch.
Many stated they are excited and can not wait to see our music video due to the creativity and unexpectedness. By incorporating retro into this modern pop song is entropic which is in fashion at the moment which many people commented on. They also like the idea of: advanced, fun, quirky editing and all the different camera angles we are wanting to use; all is achievable but me and Beccy will have to learn more about the software. " It diffidently sounds like a music video as it is interesting and different but the amount of: people involved, editing techniques might make difficult and hard to achieve." This quote also summaries my opinion on our music video, it is going to take a lot of: research, dedication, experimenting and planning to achieve a high standard music video. I hope me and Beccy do as this could turn out to be a: fun, quirky and effective music video which showcases mine and Beccy's artistic and creative skills.
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