What is creativity?
Quoted from Wikipedia: '"Creativity refers to the phenomenon whereby a person creates something new (a product, a solution, a work of art etc.) which has some kind of value. What counts as "new" may be in reference to the individual creator, or to the society or domain within which the novelty occurs. What counts as "valuable" is similarly defined in a variety of ways.'"
Creativity is a big issue in education and teaching at the moment as students are feeling less creative and this could be due to them worrying about making mistakes. We now live in a society where people focus on success and follow everything by book; never thinking out the box!
We watched this video clip above which is from Ken Robison's Are schools killing creativity? In summary from 4.44- 6.35 he talks about how children are not frightened to be wrong but being wrong does not mean your creative but if your not prepared to be wrong you will not come up with anything new and by the time your an adult you have lost the capacity of being wrong. He quotes '
"... we stigmatise mistakes and now we are running national educational systems where mistakes are the worst thing you can make and the result is we are educating people out of their creative capacities!"'
Also from 13.00-14.00 Robison talks about the human intelligence and how women are better at multi- tasking but the purpose he talks about this is because it shows that we think differently: '"visually, sound, kinetically, abstract and movement... creativity comes about through the interaction of different disciplinary ways of seeing things!"'
Picasso said: '"All children are born artists, but the problem to remain an artist as we grow up.'"
Above is a American video how to stimulate the creative process which I find fairly useful but to be honest; there is no real guide to being creative. They do make some good points I guess such as: sleep but you need more to stimulate your mind and going places to be inspired.
Being quite an artist person I have to creative at times, as I have to produce my own ideas for art pieces etc.. I can find this fairly difficult at times as sometimes I am just not inspired or in the mood to think creatively. Ways In I believe can make you more creative are:
- talk to people to bounce of ideas
- go places; be inspired by your surrounds
- research work that has already been produced
- take time to just think
- and most importantly trial and error
I believe everyone is creative just others maybe are more so. Some people (including me) think out of the box and create: quirky ideas whereas others are less subtle but yet still is just effective. I agree with both Picasso and Ken Robison that children are born artists but then are educated to be right always which then slows down peoples creativity as they are scared of getting things wrong.
Through out my project I will try and be creative but also no my limits, I will have to think about is my work is appropriate for my: genre, song, audience etc... I believe I will also inspire Beccy to think different and be more entropic with her ideas; she at first did not seem too keen on the pin up theme as she thought it would not go with our song but I persuaded her that the purpose of it was to be entropic.
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