'"oh wow
ive not seen some of them before
i love the colour thingy that youve done!
thats really good!"'
'"it looks like it could be in a teen mag?
i love the colours
but couldnt pick out a bad thing
except.. why is the top right picture normal coloura?"'
'"STACE thats immesnsee!! i love the top right one!"'
'"thats brill stace your guna do so good!"'
'"oooooh looks awesome, i love the top right one"'

Bonnie Brinkworth loveeeeee it. i'de say pop, but a bit edgy, like lady gaga'ish. really like how you've edited the photo's and the texture in the background :)
Emily Page I just generally ♥ it :)
Sophie Gardner Love it stace, it looks fab!!:) ♥
Shelley Eva Haden love the outbreaks of colour, the picture bottum right is gorgeous. I think the image bottum left, there is tooo much going on, looks to posed but thats the only bit of critisism i would give.. Love the added sparkles and wrighting, it gives it an edge. The old vintage effect surrounding the frame of each image is the 'cherry on top of the cake'.. weldone! ♥
James White Love it stace :) I like the black and White with the bursts of pink and the effects you've put on the images. I think maybe it would look better if the lips were a bit bigger on the cd, and I'm not a mahoosive fan of the font, but that's just me. Everyone else seems to like it :)
Em Webb I love it :) x
Ash Jones Looks pretty awesome. :)Beccy Bonfield omg stace, that is so good!!! I love the colours and how you've made the pink jump out and stand out. It looks old, and yet modern. The back cover is good, but I think the pink writing needs to be a bit bolder, as I think its a bit hard to see. Other than that it is amazing, well done matey :)
Shane Smith The border really stands out to me, I think it goes really well with the look of the piece. Also the pink makes it really eye catching.
Samantha Wainwright luv it Stacey x lips n writing are fab x the photo is gorgeous x x x really strikin' x
Beth Small I really like the boobies.
Rhiannon Tapsell well done stace, looks FAAAAAAAAAB :D xx i would buy this album :) xxx