When classifying any music video we focus on the relationship between the music, lyrics, and visual elements of the video. There are three ways in which music videos relate visuals to the song.
- Illustrative... 'the meaning of the lyrics and genre', e.g. if a song is about being in Texas, the video will illustrate images of Texas. A good example for an illustrative music video would be Busted's-That's what I go to school for.
- Amplifying...' the original song's meaning and effect,' The video adds another layer of meaning to it which is another way we can see and interpret the music and lyrics. A good example for an amplifying music video would be the Spice girls- Wannabe video.
- Disjunctive...'being disjunctive is ignoring or rejecting the song's original meaning, often based on abstract imagery' The best example of a disjuncture music video is Daft Punk's- Daft Funk as the music is irrelevant to the video shown. The music is quiet and the main focus is the quirky video which includes a human dog but the video acts as though this set up is normal.
This section of research connects with the redundancy
and entropy research I have done as I will have to consider what style music video I will produce and how will I make it entropic. If I choose to produce an illustrating music video there is the danger of being overly literal which could be seen as redundant but it could also be possible to create an entropic illustrative video such as Pulp did for their music video Common people which is so illustrative that it could be interpreted as entropic. This concepts also applies if I choose to produce a disjunctive music video, a disjunctive video can by entropic by if it is too entropic it can be over complicated, elements of redundancy need to be present as the video has to understandable for the audience to a certain extent. The best example for an disjuncture and entropic music video is Daft Punk's
Daft Funk, the music is quiet and seems irrelevant to the video as it follows a human dog around New York, you could argue though that as the music has no lyrics the video is not disjunctive as there is meaning to the song through lyrics, the reason why this video is entropic though is the fact there is a human dog in New York but this seems normal which is humorous. If I choose to produce a disjunctive music video I know it will be hard task to create as I will have to try to produce a video which is entropic, this will take a lot of hard work and creativity. Disjunctive videos are apparently a dangerous strategy to adopt as if try to be too entropic it could also possibly come across redundant.
As part of research project I have used my knowledge of music videos I am familiar with and have categorised them into the three categories. I have looked at several music video's for each category and have chosen to analyse one from each.
Illustrating music videos
Lilly Allen's- Aflie.
I have chosen to analyse why I believe Lily Allen's Alfie video is illustrative. The sound of the music reminds me of an old cartoon, especially the opening and this is reflected through the video opening which is print screened on the right.
The song is about Lily Allen's brother Alfie which ironically is the name of the single and the video also illustrates that the song is about her brother. The video is overly illustrative which makes it become entropic as the lyrics and the video are both amusing.
The video illustrates the lyrics shown nearly through the entire video which I have gathered print screens of to illustrate this.

For the first print screen image the lyrics being illustrated are...
"I can't even see him cos the room is so smoky'
For the second print screen illustrates the the lyrics...
"You need to get a job..."
The third print screen illustrates the lyrics...
"Now, now there's no to swear,..."
The fourth print screen illustrates the birds solo section of the song when they chirp.
Finally the fifth print screen illustrates the lyrics...
"..., And look me in the eyes and take off that stupid fitted cap."
This particular video is a good example of an entropic illustrative music video the the reason why it is because the music, lyrics and visual elements are entropic and humorous, if the cartoon elements and the puppet was not it would not be entropic but what makes this video redundant is the performance from the artist which you expect from a pop artist.
Amplifying music videos
Sum 41- In too deep
The video for In too deep amplifies the lyrics which means that the video creates a different meaning to the music.
I interpret the lyrics and song to be about a guy in a relationship with a girl. They both keep falling in love with one another but are running into the same problems, so they are just going round in circles. They have tried to make it work, but that is not good enough. He loves her but it's just not working out. So in summary the song is about facing the fact that even though they love each other, their relationship is over and they should not keep getting back together again. This interpretation is not illustrated in the video, instead it is quite literal in the fact that they are at a diving centre and they do not want to go too deep in case they drown, but this does kind of symbolises the lyrics in a way if you watch the video several times and listen to the lyrics.
The video amplifies the lyrics by giving it a narrative about the stereotypes of jock vs skaters in a diving contest. The jocks are portrayed as; strong and vain with a too close for comfort 'bromance,' they are also the villains of the video where as the band are portrayed as; funny, goofy and scrawny.I have print screened shot which I believe reflects my idea.

These print screen illustrate the video to simplify my opinion of the meaning of the video. This video seem rather redundant as it has the performance of the band, fans singing along and the video is over complicated but it is also a humorous video which makes you smile e.g. when the guitarist plays guitar rising out the pool.
The storyline of this video is disjuncture to the lyrics of the song but at times it does reflect the genre, for example Calvin is wear a pair diamante glasses which reflect the electric pop genre and als0 the dancing present is a popular style in electric pop music videos.